Appearing outrageous is a good way to get in the public eye. Tom Corbett, Pennsylvania’s Attorney General and probable next Governor appears to be in the middle of derailing the recently signed Health Care Reform Law, and that’s an attention-getter.
He says nothing could be farther from the truth.
One section of the bill requires Americans to have health insurance or face tax penalties. In our industry, we see indigents who wouldn’t dream of filing taxes, and with no income they’re a low priority for the IRS, so it’s a mute point for them. I’m a Viet Nam Veteran, currently relying on VA benefits for health care. On the surface it looks like I’m not insured, so tax penalties may apply (I’ll confirm this soon, and may have a rant for this publication).
Tom Corbett and other Attorneys General to the rescue! He says the charge of derailing the Health Care Reform Law is bogus; the Attorneys General seek a judicial decision that will relieve Americans from essentially being forced into buying insurance. Some people feel insurance payments, always an expense until needed, would encroach upon their ability to seek a better life. Would Corbett’s successful effort be an amendment to the law? Would it negate the whole bill and force congress to start over? I’m not a lawyer, but I’m asking one to weigh in on this issue.
I’m from Oregon. It’s in my genes to support local control and discourage big government from forcing me to buy health insurance when I don’t want it or need it (most Americans don’t mind helping out a Viet Nam Veteran with VA benefits). To complicate the issue for me, I work with behavioral health and substance abuse treatment agencies, so my living depends to some extent on the EHR projects funded by ARRA; health care reform has opened doors for me to be gainfully employed and some days I want to buy into it hook, line and sinker.
On the surface I must support Tom Corbett. So why am I so mistrustful? Perhaps it’s just because I’m a Democrat, but more likely because of the holes in this post. Perhaps it’s because I see I’m not alone in my skepticism when I Google the issue. Due diligence on my part may clear things up.
I still support Wendell Potter at the Center for Media and Democracy . I wonder if this is simply another angle to keep American seniors frightened and focused on minutia while the recovery is working . Look at the stock market, friend, your IRA and 401K should be growing.
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